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Old 08-22-2003, 01:16 PM   #7
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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Personally, I agree with the Evil One. I would try and handle the situation the best I could off of the boards. It's more professional. If anyone would ask me about my experiences with this company or that person..., I would tell them what I personally experienced with this company or that person in question. Word of mouth goes a long way.

I wouldn't start a thread on a message board "outing someone". Personally, there is more professional ways of handling things. Too many times, a thread is started on a board complaining about someone or some company, but it's basically what "he said, she said" kind of thing. Sometimes, people don't always tell you the truth or the entire story. The lack of face to face contact makes it easy for people to be agressive and ballsy.

Participating in these types of threads is really a personal choice kind of thing. These threads tend to get pretty childish and ridiculous when it becomes nothing more than name calling. It's different if you decide to participate in these threads and only share in your personal experience. Like Ronaldo said, it does add credibility to those who initially complained.

People do have a right to know who is legit and who is a con artist. It's how the situation is handled that makes the difference between being professional and conducting yourself as a professional vs. being viewed as an unprofessional, immature person. It's all about reputation and how people perceive you and ultimately your business.
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