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Old 08-23-2003, 07:57 PM   #4
susannas should edit this
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I agree the "trend" is disturbing... for me what is out there now is right on the border of morality... on occasion some text on these tours crosses the line of r*pe which we all would agree is not cool. So is r*pe fantasy okay to portrait because it "is providing the fantasy for people" thereby keeping them from playing out their fantasies? Does simulated CP therefore make sense? I don't think anyone would agree.

I believe that the "trend" is disturbing because I have little faith that webmasters know where to stop. I am not a prude and possibly I have some kinks that are just as hardcore but its extremely important to me that I know where to draw the line with making images and text that influence other peoples morality...especially young people's morality.

I wonder... do you think all of America acts like the people on Jerry Springer? Not long ago I was in Holland and everyone there loved to watch Jerry Springer... they thought everyone in America acted like those on there. Even Big Brother originated in Holland... they invented reality shows. Course Holland didnt have to invent reality porn because their sexuality is light years ahead of ours in so many ways. Thats for another post....

I wonder what happens when men are highly degraded in porn. When we get so far as to say "this dumb fuck cant even get a fucking erection so I had to beat the fuck out of him and spread his asshole wider then his mouth with my strap on... " heck thats even mild...

Its a tough subject that I have debated before as well... next will come those that say "grow up you work in porn for fuck sakes" ya da ya da None of that makes simulated r*pe okay. Date r*pe drugs... sites that basically encourage that kind of borderline behaviour... celebrate it...

I dont think we need to go there in order to "cover all bases of entertainment" its all about money... not morality... and that is not a good thing.
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