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Old 08-24-2003, 12:29 PM   #12
emmanuelle should edit this
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
Emma, I don't believe this *trend* is current at all.

Porn has and unfortunately always will exploit women for profit at one level or another. Each and every one of us has their line in the sand so to speak about it. What one person (man or woman) finds acceptable, another won't.
Chris- I think that you are confusing the alleged sexploitation of women in the industry with my original point.

These producers are dreaming up scenarios that focus on the abuse of women in unfortunate situations. They glorify it, and treat it as 'cool'.

These sites don't have to portray the situations as they are. With a little imagination, they could easily turn it into something fun, instead of brutal.

What is wrong with a situation like the telephone repair man satisfying all the lonely, horny housewives he encounters all day long?
It's the same premise- Joe Blow gets all the chicks, and he's a hero to the viewers, instead of a villian. It's even something that viewers can relate to, and it's a realistic fantasy.
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