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Old 08-24-2003, 12:35 PM   #13
susannas should edit this
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We should probably stop as we are giving some people ideas! thats not really meant as sarcasm either.

But its interesting that your right. Only after history proves what happens does common man know better then to support that kind of thinking...So until women stop trusting men we will continue to be raped. What will the world look like when we stop trusting men?

I know I read something just a few days ago about how women will be able to reproduce without the male species and in like 25 years there will be no more male female relationships. Who knows. I wonder if women would rape other women. Or are women the only species on earth with empathy?

I know that 99% of men are not forcing women into sex and all men reading this will probably say "i have empathy" but we see time and time again the decisions of men...war...revenge...abuse of power all based on lack of empathy.

Anyways I am not really a feminist... just concerned for the human race like the next person....Lack of speaking out on things that are detrimental to the human race is the same as supporting it. Kudos to Emmanuelle for this thread.
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