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Old 08-24-2003, 12:42 PM   #14
susannas should edit this
Citizen X
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The site that really got me going was entirely focused on date r*pe. Finding a gal in the bar getting her drunk taking her home, fucking her while she was passed out and EVEN worry that she might remember what he did to her and celebrating that she didnt remember.

THAT to me is worse then a plain outright r*pe site...believe it or not. Because it plays on young men who want to act that way and they are just learning their own morals. They are learning how to treat women (and other men) and they will be tempted by such a site... their buddies say here here is some date r*pe drugs... np you get exactly what you want when you use these.....THIS is reality... its not happening in some far off city... its happening in EVERY city.
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