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Old 08-24-2003, 02:53 PM   #19
susannas should edit this
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Originally posted by Easton
like i always say when this issue arises: if it's all legal, then there is no problem

it is merely porn refelcting our current society's tastes...
Says who? I really would like to know. Example. Tell me where the niche cumming on a womans face came from? Seriously....men speak up here if you were born with that kink? Did you one day say ohhh I want to see my cum on a womans face... NO IT came from porn saying heh this is cool you will like this...

Same goes for all the stuff out there...curiosity gets them in. Then it teaches them to get off on it.

AND to each his own if someone likes to force another for sex then find a partner that likes to be forced...play or not that is concentual sex. The sites we are talking about is non concentual and fuck me if that is what society's tastes are these days.

ALSO fistinglessons.com is not distasteful. They do not talk about non consentual anything. If you check out any of the content the women are enjoying it emensely. Same with the big cock sex sites. All consentual. I have done a test to see if female traffic likes fistinglessons and it converts as well as 1 in 200.

Magnus you do judge... dont hand out that crap. You have to because you are saying you do have a line in the sand and its drawn at anything cp or r*pe related.

I dont judge what two consenting adults want to do. Infact I celebrate it and admire some of the things that turn others on. I will judge when someone is abusing another. Full Stop. and Magnus so do you.
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