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Old 08-25-2003, 01:47 PM   #1
Dwreck should edit this
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Default The scare of my life. I almost died friday.........

So I was having a B-B-que with the guys and we got some steaks and we were having a good time then all of i went BLUE. I couldn't talk or breath and it hurt like a mother fucker. Million of thoughts rushed thru my head at mile a minute. What teh hell is goin on? is this it?

I panicked and my friends thought I was fucking around till they saw my face.

I still dont know what was goin on at that time so I gagged and puked and I could breath again kinda but hurt like hell.

SO we jumped ina car and rushed to the hospital. The doc did some test and decided to keep me over night and pump me full of drugs and shove a tube down my throat first thing in the mornin.

That was the longest night of my life.When not drugged out I was in pain and gagging when the nurse came I was in a semi aware state where I can hear people talk about me yet to drugged out to do anything. talk about scary!!

So the verdict is my esophogus *spelling mistake* is small so I cant eat red meat and I neen an operation to make it bigger. this is something I had my whole life i just thought it was normal.

The closest I came to death in my life and it has changed me forever.

One thing forsure I love morphine hehehe. MY throat is still raw but Im all good.
Derek*Dwreck* Smout
Head of Sales and Marketing
ICQ 165-976-549
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