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Old 08-25-2003, 10:07 PM   #30
susannas should edit this
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Originally posted by Ronaldo
I didn't say that she couldn't or shouldn't speak out against it. I live in a semi-free country as does emmanuelle I believe.

I also didn't say whether non-consensual sex was right or wrong. Perhaps this was an oversight on my part. I think non-consensual sex is wrong.

However, as sick and depraved as you and I may find it, I'm also not arrogant enough to believe that MY beliefs are the CORRECT beliefs. To make a blanket statement that the entire world should agree with, because I believe it, is also wrong. Not as wrong as I believe non-consensual sex to be, but wrong nonetheless.
Renaldo no matter how Canadian you want to be there has to be rights and wrongs or else there is Caos.

Do you really want such a free society that teaches its young boys that its okay to date rape your daughter?
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