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Old 08-26-2003, 02:13 AM   #32
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally posted by Seth
If you (that's the general 'you') want to support these sites and make money off of them... it's your choice. Make what rationalizations you need to make.
I understand the "general" "you" and by quoting ME, YOU are implying me. If YOU have read ANYTHING in this thread YOU would have understood my position on this issue. Any intelligent person would have. Sadly, I find this thread lacking in TRUE intelligence.

I have no need to rationalize because I DON'T SUPPORT, NOR PROMOTE the sites that are in question.

P.S. My original post stated that I find this "board" lacking in TRUE intelligence. I had to digress and state this "thread", because their ARE people's opinion's on this board (including this thread) whom I do respect.
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