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Old 08-26-2003, 03:37 AM   #34
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally posted by susannas
Renaldo no matter how Canadian you want to be there has to be rights and wrongs or else there is Caos.

Do you really want such a free society that teaches its young boys that its okay to date rape your daughter?
Suesanas (I will forgive you misspelling my name once, twice is no accident),

I, as MOST Canadians including yourself, did not have the choice of their national heritage. I was fortunate enough to be BORN in ONE of the greatest countries in the world.

I (a very difficult word to emphasize), unlike many fellow Canucks do not take this for granted.

I see the suffering that goes on around the world and wish to change it.

I see the starvation that goes on around the world and wish to change it.

I see the persecution that goes on around the world and wish to change it.

Then I sit back.

I thank god I'm not G.W.Bush and have the POWER to change it, because all people would do is question my intentions.

If he attacks a "Questionable (For the sake of the true Liberals, or just to remain politically correct)" target due to their past indiscretions, you will surely question his intentions.

"If the U.S. finds WMD, they are surely planted by the U.S. We shall just ignore that this "Questionable" target has killed thousands of his own people. Raped and tortured his own people.

We don't have to wait on a Saturday afternoon, with the kids playing in the backyard, a dictator's henchman coming to our door. We don't have to watch him rape our wife or daughter, or worse, have him make US choose who should live or die. Our son or our daughter.

Isn't it great to be born a Canadian. Living with the protection of the mightiest of armies in the world at our beckon call, while we struggle to find a decent helipcopter.

If the Iranians ever decide to attack their number 1 enemy, Canada, not the U.S. (remember Ken Taylor?) with a passenger jet into the CN Tower, who would be the first people there? Yeah, that's right.
The Americans. Pretty much no questions asked. Perhaps until now.

IF you enact upon something that is illegal, such as raping my daughter. son or wife, you should and probably will be prosecuted. Then you'll deal with ME. (I can be and will be as fascist as the next guy when it comes to my own family, Michael Moore be damned).

P.S. Caos is spelled Chaos
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