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Old 08-27-2003, 11:23 PM   #26
iroc409 should edit this
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Originally posted by Ronaldo
I wish I had the Gary Larson cartoon to post that went something like this.

The U.S. founding fathers are working on the constitution on a sweltering day. Naturally they're all wearing long sleeves.

One of them steps up and says, "Maybe we should let everyone have the right to bare arms."

Then there's Dennis Miller's line from recently.

Those guys that signed the constitution, boy they were smart. Much smarter than we are today.

I'll bet if they were around, they'd say "Um, hey guys, we did this thing 200 years ago. Feel free to update it once in a while."
the bill of rights has been updated.

what do you feel needs to be changed so badly, in a country you don't even live in?

and everyone that always cries how incredibly UNfree the united states is, why would you lobby so hard to remove even more of those freedoms?
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