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Old 08-28-2003, 04:16 AM   #9
laura should edit this
Citizen X
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hey 8mm,

a gangbang sounds great and all, yadi yadi ...share the content...

but have you heard of the thing called the PCRDNA test? if these are "REAL GIRLS" then you may not have the industry standard of HIV testing. Call AIM health care in LA...look it up in google

$100, every 30 days (mandatory), includes the HIV test along with the chlamydia and the gonorrhea test

that shit is running rampant in this biz, so before you attempt something like this you might want to do some research

if you know all of this and forgot to mention it in the thread, then my apologies.....its just a sensitive and very serious topic. It has put some of my regular talent out of work for weeks on end!!!

good luck
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