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Old 08-28-2003, 04:00 PM   #5
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
Xnations Voice of Reason
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One of my biggest pet peeves about society today, is naturally brought on by the lawyers.

Forgetting about the rights of the victims.

When someone is killed, it is standard practice today to bring out all the trashy history of the victim while the accused stands free from all of his past indiscretions. Case in point-Robert Chambers.

Our prisoners today LIVE in their own little society in prison that has their own laws and restrictions. They are however ALIVE. Unlike the victims to whom they played judge, jury and executioner.

They have all the rights they deserve just by being alive. Aw shucks, they have to go to bed by 10 and eat when they're told. And play when and where they're told. The bottom line, is they're alive and you're loved one isn't. As an added bonus the victims families have the "right" to pay taxes that feed the person who killed their loved one.

Every time I see those planes crashing into the WTC, my thoughts are about the passengers who have been sentenced to death. Their last thoughts about their children, spouses and parents, none of whom they'll ever hug or talk to again. How horrifying their last few minutes must have been.

Then I think about the hijackers, on their knees praying to Allah. Their last few moments of life? Horrifying? Hardly. Nope, joyous. Knowing they've successfully killed innocent Americans. I think of the others who planned it, also on their knees, praying to Allah and laughing at the horrifying event.

Feel sorry for and pity those fuckers held in captivity at Gitmo if you like. I feel sorry for the 3000 victims and their families who are still paying for the person who killed their loved one to eat.

I'm not one to tell others what to think or what to do. I AM however one to voice my opinion. Living in a semi-free country allows me that privledge. For the time being anyways.

Instead of feeling sorry for our prisoners and being an advocate for their rights, I feel sorry for our homeless. They haven't commited a crime and yet they have less rights and privledges than our criminals today.

While I'm not an advocate for the homeless, I don't usually just pass by them or brush them off. I hand them a little money. Then I think to myself, "Thanks for at least trying to live honestly in our society without harming anyone. Oh, and Y'know, you'd have a nice warm place to sleep tonight and 3 square meals a day for the rest of your life if you just put a bullet through someone's head."
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