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Old 08-29-2003, 12:09 PM   #21
Mister X
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So I put in my week assisting Earl Miller and it was definitely interesting. The biggest thing is the lonnnnnnng days. The shortest day was 14 hours I think. And he only does 2 shoots in that time. He shoots between 8 and 10 rolls (36 frames) on the first shoot and between 5 and 7 on the second shoot usually. The actual shooting is usually done fairly fast. 5 to 10 frames of variations of each shot usually. The rest of the time is spent setting up the shot and setting the lighting. Earl has a very exacting eye for detail when he shoots so everything has to be perfect. All in all a very interesting experience.

My next moonlighting job will be coming up in a month or so. Sophdream is opening a club in Longeuil so I will be working there 3 or 4 days a week. Well 3 or 4 nights actually. So stay tuned for news of that. There will probably be a big party at the opening. The bar is located about 4 blocks off of boul taschereau so it is very convenient to get to if you take the jacques cartier from montreal. The lovely Sophie will be working behind the bar so I think i will be pretty happy with this job!
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