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Old 08-29-2003, 12:55 PM   #9
dyonisus is Supreme Soul Rider
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I understand the reason the US is detaining these people, what their counterparts did was absolutely horrible and unforgivable! The US wants retribution.

I do not believe though that the US is innocent. Not the people mind you, the politics. I have said this before and stand by it, when you have a foreign policy that tries to dictate how the rest of the world is run, you can expect flack. Just as the US seeks revenge for the atrocities of 9/11 so do other men and other countries for the way the US interferes in their affiars.

No I am not saying 2 wrongs make it ok, what I am saying is this is a sign of humanity. Violence begets violence and war begets war, whether sanctioned or an extremist group declaring it, this is what you get when you leave the affiars of the world up to gun toting mad men US or non US!!!
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