Only good Terrorist is a dead Terrorist.
I'm not shedding too many tears, these detainees are eating & living a lot better than they were before sleeping outside and eating on occasion while deftly planning to blow up innocent civilians.
Let's keep something in mind, these aren't soldiers, they didn't fight under a flag or in an organized military, they are ennemy combatants, civilians who have taken up illegal arms to maim & murder innocent people.
civilians in afg, women & children were routinely rounded up, tortured, raped, beaten and had all their rights stripped under the force of dictatorship, weapons & intimidation in a place where there was no police & no justice - just fundamentalist islamic maniacs who ruled by force & terror at everyone elses expense! Let's worry about the innocent people starving all over the world, or dying of aids or lack of clean water, that's my opinion.
Those people being detained happen to believe we should all be DRAWN & QUARTERED for what we do for a living btw, no exceptions.
My skin happens to be brown and I am middle eastern, but you won't find me in cuba, not unless they need firing squad volunteers.