Unfortunately for the Taliban & al-queda, they do not even meet the standards requisite to be called war criminals. Tyranical regimes are not a democracy and don't follow the rules of international law, they were not elected they took power by force and crimes against humanity. Their government only recognized by two countries - Saudi Arabia & pakistan, a far cry from the 300+ some countries in the world.
Under Article 4 of the Geneva Convention Taliban detainees are not entitled to POW status. To qualify as POWs under Article 4, Al Qaeda and Talilban detainees would have to have satisfied four conditions: they would have to be part of a military hierarchy; they would have to have worn uniforms or other distinctive signs visible at a distance; they would have to have carried arms openly: and they would have to have conducted their military operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war."
These detainees or unlawful combatants strike out on all 4 of those requisites! If detaining those people saves even one innocent life so be it, never mind the lives of the ACTUAL soldiers being put at risk to defend the rest of us 'non combatants' from the mass nuclear/chemical destruction these people believe is fully justified for us!
Taking up an illegally obtained weapons to kill for your beliefs, or strapping on explosives, or flying a hijacked plane into a building.. these things don't make you a soldier, anyone can strap on explosives & kill women and children, it makes one a mass murderer. Specifically targetting the innocent with weapons for the SOLE purpose of causing fear, death & terror is an absolute violation of the laws and customs of war as well as an immediate forfeiture of ones rights as a soldier by any standard.
How an argument can be made that these detainees don't fall under classification of terrorists is beyond me.. They are not POW's, they don't meet the requirements by any stretch, they don't deserve the accorded rights.
Terrorism - "The UNLAWFUL use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons."
What about the rights of the thousands upon thousands of innocent people they have murdered? and of their families and friends? and the rights of the innocent people they will gladly murder? fuck these detainees, action without consequence!?
- Please excuse me, i'm tired of workin today, I'm going to go empty all our bank accounts, after all why not.. I believe I have a right to spend your personal finances, and I'm taking up a machine gun and murdering a few tellers to enforce that belief.. Sorry, just funding my own personal war for the country of 'SAUS' which I have proclaimed and there's nothing you can do about it, because amnesty international, which is nothing more than a bunch of humanitarians with a mailed home business card that has absolutely zero legal authority anywhere on the planet about anything whatsoever at all.. says I can, because it would be wrong to violate my non-existant rights to do anything about it.
If captured in this endeavour, i will state my rank & serial number in the army of SAUS, as accorded to me by my pow rights and that's it, sorry I spent all your money, nothing you can do about it. In fact you are not allowed to interrogate me at all. How do you feel about according rights that don't belong to me now? And if i use Islam to convice a few hundred thousand idiots that my cause is worth murdering for does that make me any different in ANY way from bin laden or the taliban!? After all, I believe it's right & fair, irrespective of your rights.