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Old 08-30-2003, 05:26 PM   #54
Seska should edit this
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In other forms of entertainment (movies, TV, music videos) they depict illegal acts and that is for the most part perfectly acceptable to most people. Once you mix actual sex acts, and often times actual physical violence (no stunt men, no CGI), into the depiction of illegal acts I can see how it leads to murky moral waters. Whether seeing images of violent and illegal acts influences behaviour is still not yet determined, though there are many folks who imitate risky behaviour from TV shows like Fear Factor so I can see some doing the same with porn. Good judgement is not something the human race at large is known for (especially for the under 25 set as recent brain development research has demonstrated).

Still, I think having a discussion such as this is important. At this point we can only control what we do with our businesses, what we chose to create, promote, etc... Personally, I want to try to create porn that enhances people's sex lives, that makes people who view it feel good about sex, good about men, good about women. Granted people's perceptions of that is very subjective.
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