Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Good for you Sophie. ... I think it's time you visit the Triple X erotic Lounge Stu ! Hell you've been in this city for how long? and you still haven't gone out.
Have sophie contact me for some promotional work on the club, we've been doing promotions with the following clubs: Element. Castle, THE LOFT, and Industry to name a few .. we also have a three hour live spot on 94 Radio Energy.
THis Week I move ! Into my new digs ! A loft space for my office in PArk extention and a 8000 Sq foot studio space ... Got a huge deal cummin down the pipe line for content so there will be plenty of work for everyone.
Lastly I'm opening yet another strip bar. This time in the Village, A male strip club open to women sunday to thursday, Friday and saturday to men only ... the DOuble X erotic Lounge will be opening it's door in a couple of weeks .. look for it !
Caos for now!
Dayum I'm tired ...LOL
Hehe. You're right. I really should visit the XXX. I actually know how to find my way around the city pretty well now.
Will have Sophie contact you about the promotion too. We want to make a pretty good splash with the opening.
Good luck with the new ventures!