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Old 08-31-2003, 03:39 PM   #3
confucy should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: california
Posts: 8
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FB, there are many reasons why someone may want to pick up a drug without a prescription. What if you can't afford to go to a doctor for a new prescription? What if you have no insurance? No doctor? What if your family doctor doesn't agree with you about what you need, and your doctor won't write a prescription for a particular drug? What if you want to keep your drugs private?

If you are willing to buy drugs on the internet and pay 2 or 3 times more, then why shouldn't you have the right to do it?????

It's my body, not yours! Being that I believe illegal drugs should be legalized, and being that I think we should be able to put into our bodies what we choose without having to answer to people like you who are making snap judgments, then WHY NOT!
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