Thank you. Nice board! Beautiful baby.
Studies have shown (statistics & studies show whatever you want to be shown) that over-the-counter drugs like aspirin and motrin cause more medical problems than prescribed drugs. From my own personal experience, I see friends and family having major problems with just these two pills. Drugs are known for curing one problem and giving you another. Doctors don't know enough about the medicine they prescribe, and doctors as a group have never known enough about nutrition.
One thing I do dislike about the *buy your meds here* websites is that they are spamming the hell out of my email. I heard a radio talkshow personality on the local KFI AM station say today that it is safe to buy prescribed drugs with a legitimate prescription from Canada, but not so safe from Mexico. US citizens are being forced to go to Canada or use mailorder to purchase drugs from Canada because of the savings. Many elderly US citizens are in a position where they must choose between food and drugs. Terrible thing!