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Old 09-02-2003, 06:13 PM   #1
oystein should edit this
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Default MPA2 - Important information for program owners!

So we just got in some pretty impressive statistics from one of our MPA2 customer with some numbers that we think are important for program owners to know about.

These numbers were taken from a short time period (will not reveal how long time - but it was short) and we got the approval from our customer (who can choose whether to be anonomous or not themselves) to share them with the rest of you guys.

Processor #1 - 3322 signups
Processor #2 - 1898 signups
processor #3 - 10 signups

This is how important it is to cascade your processors, and not to mention how important it is to spread your risk!!!

This program increased their revenue by $150K a week when adding MPA2 cascading

PS. Before you (and you know who you are) start to scream about this being a spam - it is, but it is also the truth!!!

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