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Old 09-04-2003, 04:30 PM   #2
Paul Markham
Paul Markham should edit this
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"our lawyers believe we have a X% chance of invalidating the Acacia patents. Here is the evidence that we have – it will cost $Y in legal fees if we win, and if we lose it will cost $Y in legal fees, you might have to pay $Z in back royalties, and you may not get a license for the future".
There is their case. Out of his own mouth.

Cheaper to pay us than fight us.

Did he actually tell us what DMT is or does? No he side stepped it.

In fact, one company that got caught up in the frenzy recently came to us and spent $35,000 in legal fees before realizing that they don't even need a license.
Want to give us a name, did they come to you and then spend $35,000 or did you tell them that as they are not selling video they wasted their money. Or did you send them your licensing package?

We are confident that licensing Acacia's patents will soon be the norm for the industry, as opposed to the exception. The industry has far bigger problems to deal with than Acacia (e.g. credit card companies, shaving, etc.) and the relatively minor royalties we are seeking. We hope that the industry does well because if they don't make money, there won't be any royalties to collect.
Just start giving us money so you can move on and the next bunch of lawyers can move in.

Just tell us exactly what DMT is and how it was different from all the other downloading that was being done before 1991. Give us the Algorythems it's based on, or is it just the act of transmitting?

You want us to pay come and tell us what it is and why you deserve a piece of our industry. Also what are your feeling about the recent postponing of the vote regarding patents in the EU?

Get 25 sets of your choice for $200 or 50 for $300.

ICQ ME HERE 213 327 873
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