X Nations - View Single Post - Her First Gang Bang - Menstrual ( Video )
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Old 09-06-2003, 11:36 PM   #19
Funbrunette is Travelling the world!
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Originally posted by CX*
I know a girl who is making her own menstrual site.. i think solo with toys, fingers... etc...

Does this fall into the scat section as well? Or is it just the photo shoot gig that makes it seem on equal levels to scat content...

(for all of you who feel this way about Dugmors post)
I think it's all a personal choice and it all depends on what we're all comfortable with. People have been having the same arguments forever and that's what boards are for! Hey...Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything...

However, as a moderator and part owner of Xnations I try to make the best out of situations like this...Many members were not comfortable with the original picture that was posted by Dugmor and we decided to remove it. I really don't think it's such a big deal...Hey in the end Dugmor gets a bunch of exposure...So let's agree to disagree on this one

And let's move on...
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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