Well, I've been thinking about this for some. To a certain degree I'm sorry for that post and those steps that Panky is taking. It seems just like a bit a loss of our freedom on this board.
However I see clearly why Panky takes these steps. This is one of the finest adult boards I know and I just love this place. I love the people on here and the way everything is running.
However the board has grown all the time and I think now the time has come where we hit a critical mass. Where things slowly may go out of control. This is the point of time where active moderating will become a necessity for everyone else to enjoy the board as it is. I have not need for another GFY here!
We will loose a bit of freedom on this board but the benefits will return us so much more and those rules or maybe I should rather call them guidelines imposed by Panky now are easy to follow and it's easy to understand why she put them in place.
I also like the clear communication of policy change instead of having threads and/or links re/moved and not know why.