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Old 09-07-2003, 02:45 PM   #15
Magnus3x is superfantastico!
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Well..the thing is...I see a few people posting their new trailers and lil clips on this board and "One time Announcements" in the general section of this board, hell I've pimped shit straight out myself. I respect the owners of the boards and rules and I also know that alot of board BS is a popularity contest...clique.. some people get to go a little further than others. I can roll with it no problem..but I don't think the thread should have been locked...and I think the reasoning seems a little stretched based on a threads I read here. That's just my 2 Canadian cents..but it's your board do as you wish.

- The title of the thread was "Her First Gang Bang - Menstrual ( Video )" so what the fuck did you expect to see when you clicked the link. So just like life you have choices...no big whooop!

- You guys should start a new forum for softcore, lingerie, kissing and missionary fantasy sex webmasters. You can discuss "Hardcore sex, it's what's wrong with the industry today" and "what goes through the minds of paid models that don't want to have fantasy missionary sex" "oh that Dugmor" "Hey look Easton parties too hard" "Bad taste or tastes like chicken" and "I'm a Catholic Pornographer"

- Damn CX's new Avitar is hot hot hot!!!!

- Friday I had a business lunch meeting that lasted 9 hours.. 7 of which was slamming back the brews with the kick ass folks of Xtremepay, Jman and Brent from Sex Inc. Sounds like some big parties happening during webmaster summit ****CAUTION**** CAUTION*****There will be Cocktails .. nude models..and people taking shit too far but not too seriously....rumors and photographs to follow and we can start a whole new whack of threads about them.

- Anyone else like baked Tofu with sesame seed oil?

- Where am I going with this?

Bye everyone.. (((((Huggles))))
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