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Old 09-07-2003, 03:28 PM   #16
Evil Chris
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Let me first say that I fully support the actions of the moderators here on xnations. Panky and FB have handled this very well.

XNations is over a year old now, and maybe it's starting to feel some growing pains, which is likely a normal thing.

Dugmor is a old friend, but it remains that 95% of his posts are just drive-by creative spams for his stuff. The initial post he made with the menstrual picture offended some people. But instead of deleting the post and/or picture, we just hyperlinked it. Notwithstanding the subject of the thread, apparently it was still somewhat of a shock to open that thread and see the photo in your face.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. XNations isn't becoming a board where you'll wonder if your post(s) will be censored. It boils down to common sense though. If you are not a regular contributor or a sponsor of the board, you need to make use of the announcements forum out of respect to the regular users and/or sponsors.

Nobody likes to see a locked thread, but if it were to happen like this again, I wouldn't want a thing about it changed.

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