Originally posted by Shann
Hmm this kind of thing makes me wonder, why is one ok and one not? The answer should be the same for both shouldnt' it?
Things that make you go hmmmmmmm
That's why I asked.
To see if the double standard I THOUGHT existed, truly did.
To be fair though, if you ladies could offer up your opinion on the REVERSE scenario (If your husband brought home a female one day and a male the next), I wouldn't be surprised if MOST ladies said yes to the girl and no to the man.
Of course their answer may very well be swayed considerably on their own man's insecurities.
I'm sure alot of women would flat out turn the man down with genuinely no interest. While others might be excited at the prospect, their initial responses would probably be based upon what they THINK their man would WANT to hear. I think very few married ladies would say IN FRONT OF THEIR HUSBAND, "Yeah, bring him on."
So maybe the answers truly aren't all that different.