Originally posted by skillfull
i have a "friends" list on my tgp
good for traffic trade
Allthough i do like those hardlink trades this was not realy what i was talking about, still much prefered over CJ traffic though
Originally posted by luke
We have links pages on all our amateur sites still. Try to keep the front page pretty clean. They still send a decent amount of traffic through...worth having I think.
Exactly.. Basicly what i wanted to do was get the front page links off this page
http://www.wethousewife.com and move them to the "links page" .. Thought finding simular pages has turned out a bit more work than i thought *lol* (Don't wan't to turn this into a trafic trade tread, but if you have some Pr4 or above sites your doing this on that do send a bit of trafic from the lists too, please look at my trades page)
Originally posted by Bruno Dickman
well... the effectiveness of link trades on the main page is much higher than on a separate page... maybe having two would be the best aproach eh? 
Take care,
Bruno Dickman
Well.. for quantity yes.. but quality is way higher, trafic from my link list to some of my other sites show productivity of up to 700%.. don't know if this is general though..might not be if the linklist gets too big giving the surfer too many choises..
Anyways.. that's kind of my whole idea of this..to not give them too many choises (at least not straight in their face)..