Let me clarify, because some of the input you give is really good and what I am looking for.
By immoral - I dont mean the content itself. I have very little problem with most of it - at least the mainstream. I don't like the gagging, snaff (even the fake), rape (<-), puke etc... [some of it I see as wrong] but mostly just because I dont like it. I mean the existance of the driving force that makes people work in this field. Correct me if I am wrong, but most people who work in content didn't see themself doing it when they were kids. right? Wouldn't you say that most people didn't really want to end up doing that?
By forced [MisterX] - I mean the second option. That is exactly why I gave the newspaper example - I thought it will make it unshakebly clear. My friend was forced by reality - the need for money - to go work as a newspaper delivery boy because he had to pay ren money and he couldn't find any other job even though he has a first degree in Law and Economics. So I mean the simple "force" not the violent.
Important for you to understand - I do not claim anything here is immoral. I only want to hear your views about the morality factor in the content industry. Mainly the mainstream one.
Also - I don't blame anyone - so no need to feel like anyone is being judged or attacked by me. I am simply talking over the net with people who have more information and knowledge than me in that field and would appriciate their insight.
Third - I am not really aiming at people who produce content on their own. Most of those who I know and who will answer me over this board - do it because it fun for them or atleast its nothing much for them and the money is good. Which is as valid for me as any other profession.
So think about my question on the sociological and "environmental" level. I am just curious.