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Old 09-14-2003, 12:25 AM   #12
Mister X
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Well that makes it a little clearer Ron, hehehe.

Personally I think that most of the people who produce the content, and virtually all of the girls/guys who are the talent just more or less fell into it. There are exceptions of course. Some of the producers and probably a good number of the stuntcocks got into it so they could get laid more often, lol. But most of us didn't make a conscious decision to pursue a "vocation".

I will stick by what I said about it being easier to get a job at McD's (or delivering newspapers) than it is to get a job in content on either side of the camera. In the business that I am involved in I would say that less than 5 percent of the content that comes out of here is made with a girl that answered an ad or walked in off the street (for one thing we don't have a sign on the door ). The majority of the new girls we shoot are actually sent our way by one of the girls we have shot already. And we don't shoot every girl that wants to shoot either. It may be somewhat different for other content producers in other locales but here in Montreal the majority of the girls start out dancing in clubs. Very possibly a lot of those girls are "forced" into dancing by a need for money and a lack of useful skills. But when they come to us it's usually a step up the ladder and a way to make a little extra cash. Not as a primary source of income.
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