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Old 09-14-2003, 09:02 AM   #15
NetRodent should edit this
X Cuseme
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Default Re: Re: Re: Content producers - did you ever feel...

Originally posted by XXXManager
As to the "fun" crimes question - I didn't fully understand what you mean. But certainly stealing a candy from store or even robbing a bank is more "ethical" than raping a 12 year old kid in my opinion. (I don't fully understand though why you ask that - especially with relation to crime).
Its was a rhetorical question. Your original statement statement seemed to imply that if a girl wasn't having fun modeling, that photographing her was somehow less moral/ethical than if she was having fun.

If that's the case, that means whether or not something is fun can affect the morality/ethicalness of a given act. So why not apply that standard to crimes? Is a crime that's "fun", such as rape, more moral than a crime that isn't "fun", such as shoplifting?

Obviously, it's not. Perhaps fun has no bearing on morality at all.
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