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Old 09-14-2003, 09:46 AM   #17
NetRodent should edit this
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Content producers - did you ever feel...

Originally posted by XXXManager
Well. As I also clarified in previous posts in this thread, I didnt refer to the act of taking their pictures - so (as I also posted on this thread before) - no need to feel like I am suggesting anything about content producers or blaming anyone. Please read my posts here again./B]
Yes, I know you clarified things in your earlier posts. You mentioned that you didn't get my comment about fun crimes, I was merely clarifing my original comment in the context it was posted in.

Originally posted by XXXManager
As to "fun" crimes... Rape is not a fun crime. Rapists don't do it for sexual pleasure but for control, power and violence. So I don't see the parallelism.
I have to disagree with you here. While it is true that most rapes are done for control or power, I would say those reasons fall under the definition of "fun". Can you picture an alarm clock going off at 8:00 am on a Monday morning and a rapist waking up and thinking "Bummer, gotta get back to the daily grind of raping people"? As distasteful as it is rape is done for recreation not survival (except in messed up parts of the world where its done for ethnic or political reasons). Rarely is someone forced to rape, people do it of their own free will. Hence, its done for "fun", albeit under a broad definition of fun.

Originally posted by XXXManager
I also don't fully see where I suggested its the "unfun" part that makes it immoral but rather asked people for their opinions about the role women and men play in the content production chain.
My original post was inspired by one line from your original post "But the whole issue of the women's choice and free will and the fact that the women sometimes don't do it for fun raises a question that I don't really have enough input about." My only point and perhaps I made it badly, was that whether a model has fun or not has no bearing on the morality of content production.
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