Originally posted by Evil Chris
I'm not entirely worked up... hehehe
But I keep seeing those pictures of Madonna, Spears, and Aguilara making out on stage at the MTV awards.
One message is that it's ok to be a slut & stuff, and the other is don't do what Kobe did... (or allegedly did)... too much double standard going on these days!
I do agree with you Chris and see your point, but this is a bad example imho. One was staged or AT LEAST mutually agreed upon. The other has yet to be debated(?) in a court of law. Certainly I'd rather EITHER of my children come to me and say they were gay, as opposed to having the RCMP knock on my door and say one of my children was being accused of rape.
But how would we all honestly feel if our children came home and told us that they were gay.
As a proud and lucky father of BOTH a son and a daughter, I can honestly say that my acceptance level would be much greater for my daughter to be a lesbian than for my son to say he's gay.
Stereotypical? Perhaps. But, young girls find that it's COOL to be bi-sexual nowadays. I can't count on both of my hands the number of times I've seen two teenage girls AT LEAST holding hands in public.
I have yet to see two teenage boys hold hands in public.
Maybe it's out of fear of my son being ostracized, but I'd PROBABLY find that harder to deal with. Just being honest.
Flame away.