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Old 09-29-2002, 07:32 PM   #13
Shann should edit this
Queen Bish
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ok first concert was Bryan Adams, here are some that I can remember in no order:

Tragically Hip - 3 times i think
Metallica - 3 times
Aerosmith - 2 times
Motley Crue - 2 times
Danger Danger
Billy Idol
The Cult - twice
Guns N Roses
Garbage - twice
I Mother Earth - a gazillion times
Our Lady Peace - a gazillion times
The Cure
Paul Young
Rolling Stones
Bush X
The Cranberries
Smashing Pumpkins
Foo Fighters
Sloan - 4 times
Red Hot Chili Peppers - twice
Mathew Good Band - twice
Bif Naked
Seven Dust
Sugar Ray
Treble Charger
Sum 41
Pink Floyd - twice
David Wilcox
Kim Mitchell - twice
Van Halen
Red Rider
David Lee Roth
National Velvet
The Headstones - 4 times of so
LA Guns
Big Sugar
White Snake
White Lion
Limb Lifter
Age of Electric
Big Wreck
Love and Rockets
Neil Young
Pearl Jam
Black Crowes
N'Sync (for real, i took my daughter i had to do it! LOL It was years ago, she is over that now thank god!)
Robert Plant (front row i might add!)
Stevie Ray Vaugh
David Usher
Fleetwood Mac
Skid Row
Platinum Blonde
Concret Blond
Crystal Method
Green Day
the Watchmen
Handsome Devil
Tea Party - too many damn times

That's off the top of my head spanning about 16 years.... I try to keep all my ticket stubs but I've yet to unpack them, I'm sure I've missed a bunch.

And XxXotic, you saw Live Aid! You lucky fucker!

Buy my shirts or I'll cut you!
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