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Thread: Rock Concerts
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Old 09-30-2002, 02:05 AM   #16
baddog should edit this
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A few more have come to mind

Alice Cooper
Steely Dan
Elton Jonn
Dead Kennedys
Robin Trower
Flo & Eddie

am sure more will come to mind later, but you have to remember, the drugs were very good back then, so my memory is not what it probably should be.

I had tickets to see Jimi Hendrix, and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young but I stayed out too late at the submarine races and my dad confiscated them. Never will forgive him for that.

A couple people mentioned Dokken. Several years ago I won tickets for a concert at a very small venue. While waiting for the show to start, this blonde, long haired guy was walking by my table when he suddenly was rushed by people asking him for his autograph. He asked if he could sit at my table while he signed them. I said okay, then asked him who the hell he was.

He said his name was Don Dokken. I asked him why anyone would want his autograph, and he told me he had a band, Dokken. I told him I had no idea who they were, but got an autograph for my sister. He seemed like a nice enough guy.
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