Reading over the posts a couple more came to mind too!
I also saw Nashville Pussy, cant' say I enjoyed it though! lol
PJ Harvey, missed half her show when she opened for U2, what an idiot I am, I love her music.
Jeff Healey
The Catherine Wheel
Honeymoon Suite
Joan Jett
Glueleg (many times, my friend worked for their managment company)
The Pursuit of Happiness
Space Hog
I never saw Henry Rollins, he has been through Toronto a few times also doing readings, I NEED to see him.
One of my biggest concert regrets was also missing Nirvana. I feel like a fool for that one.
Also meant to see Stabbing Westward at a very small venue, put off buying tickets, it sold out and now they are no more!
And i didn't upack my ticket stubs yet, turns out I left them at my ex's, I hear they're ok though! LOL