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Old 09-20-2003, 04:18 AM   #1
wsjb78 should edit this
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Default To TGP / LLs owners: Help needed!

As most of you know I run (next to many other things) also a little site with a few useful tools for (adult webmasters). Most notably a keyword collector from Ouverture and an expired domains list (can also be viewed here at xnations: http://www.xnations.com/pageranks ).

Anyway, I've seen yesterday a thread on GFY where TheHun publicates his blacklist of cheaters (at least he thinks those are cheaters). Now, since most of you operate some kind of blacklist I thought I could just make some kind of centralized blacklist ressource.

I have nothing programmed yet because I will first need your help!!!

What I'm thinking of would be to the blacklist like that:

1.) You go to the site (very likely to be: http://www.adult-webmaster-tools.com/blacklists )

2.) Then you'll be presented with a form containing checkboxes for each participants e.g. TheHun, Sleazy, JJJ, PersianKitty, ...... and many other if they wish to participate

3.) Add an option to to summarize all of those cheaters or split them up according to the participants and another option to get all data!

4.) You press submit and you will then be given the domain / ip list!

However I would need you help to get those data. What I have in mind would be just placing a text file somewhere on your server which I could then parce like 1 per day, 1 per week, 1 per month as you see fitting....

Would anyone be willing to help me with this? Such a list could help you to more easily spot cheaters especially when you're unsure. You can see what others think.

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