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Old 09-21-2003, 04:21 AM   #5
wsjb78 should edit this
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Well, poor programming of websites...

e.g. a users uses php and mysql to access the db. He then writes username and pwd into a php script of config file... however he does not put that file outside the webroot....

Now PHP fails and you can see username and pwd in plain text for the db... once you have that info you can try to connect to the db. I'm pretty sure when that guy doesn't even move the config file outside the webroot then he has a global root user to mysql which he lets to connect from everywhere... if so then probably the same guy does not encrypt user pwds which are stored.... or the hacker just inserts a new user there

That means you can easily get those things... I've seen that a couple of times where PHP has been failing... on a server.....

This is just a simple way of getting acces...
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