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Old 09-21-2003, 11:07 PM   #19
Izzy should edit this
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What I do not understand and never will, is how in the fuck do celebrities and athletes make so much damn money!!! Just becuz your on TV and known by millions of people does not mean they should get paid that much freakin money!! What about firefighters and paramedics?!?! HUH?!?! They work sooo fucking hard and save lives everyday, but they can't even make ends meet!!!!!!!! It pisses me off and something should really be done about it too!!!!!!! Evil Chris said that he couldn't believe that celebrities and athletes are the role models for kids!!! That's a bunch of horse shit!! Kids need to see that just becuz actors/actresses play heros does not actually make them heros at all!!! Some kids tho, need to get their heads outta their asses and just see exactly who the real heros and role models are. Thank you for reading my bitching.
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