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Old 09-22-2003, 07:28 AM   #3
Izzy should edit this
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Hey wsjb,

Yes, I know that if I quit, I would save much money, but you said "smiply quit smoking", umm I take it your a non-smoker. If you were a smoker, you'd know that quiting ain't so damn simple!! I tried many times, cuz of the fact I can't afford, it but, if I don't smoke, then I feel as if Ima jump roght outta my fucking skin!!! Next time you run into an ex smoker ask him or her how hard it was to quit. Now if you are an ex smoker and it was simple for you to quit, good for you, that's great, wish I was you. But when you have smoked for 7 yrs. its not at all easy to quit.
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