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Old 09-22-2003, 12:18 PM   #6
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
Xnations Voice of Reason
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Dear Westman Internet customer,

This notice is in response to a new virus that is being spread across the Internet disguised as an email from Microsoft. The virus appears as an email sent from "Security Services" with the subject "Latest Critical Upgrade". Although the email appears official, it is not really from Microsoft. Installing this "upgrade" will infect your PC with the w32.Swen.A@mm virus.

Neither Westman nor Microsoft will ever send out a patch via email requesting that you run a file attached to an email. We may at times send information regarding a widespread virus with links to the appropriate websites for you to patch or remove the virus from your computer. For example Westman sent an email out yesterday regarding the Welchia virus and links to Microsoft and Symantec on how to prevent and remove the virus.

However, in all cases you need to download the patch from their website and install it. Any patches from Microsoft are available at the following address and nowhere else:


Any email claiming to be from Microsoft suggesting that you install an "upgrade" file is not legitimate and should be deleted immediately.

We strongly recommend that anyone who has received the email mentioned above should follow these steps to remove the virus. If you are not certain if you PC has been infected please follow the instructions as a precaution.

The following link will download the removal tool for the Swen virus from Symantec.s website:


You will be prompted to save the file to your computer, preferably your desktop. Open or double-click the downloaded file and begin the scan.

Please view the instruction from Symantec for downloading and removing the virus from the following link:


We encourage all customers to take precautionary measures by using an appropriate method of anti-virus protection.

If you have any problems with the steps listed above, you can call our helpdesk at 204-571-0501, between the hours of 8am and 10pm Monday through Sunday. You can also email our helpdesk technicians at support@westman.wave.ca.

Thank you,
Trevor Klassen
Supervisor, Helpdesk
Westman Business
a division of Westman Communications Group
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