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Old 09-22-2003, 03:18 PM   #8
Izzy should edit this
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Did I start smoking in the 1st place?

Well, the only reason a kid at the age of 12 would start smoking here where I live, was to fit in and be cool like others. I don't fit in at all anywhere. So, I am always trying to find different ways to fit in. I mean I wouldn't do something too extreme just to fit in, but smoking and trying to find the right kinda clothes to where to fit in with people is just what I have become. The main reason I smoke now is cuz I can't quit, I have tried but I do not have a lot of will power. I shouldn't care a lot about what people think of me, but for some really fucked up reason, I have always felt that it's important what people think of you. Oh well, Ima go smoke a cig now and think of how fucked up it is, but still enjoy it none the less.
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