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Old 09-22-2003, 03:36 PM   #11
Cyndalie is not it.
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Izzy, they enacted that in Florida this past July too. Tell you what, I think I can count the number of times I've gone out to a club or a bar on my right hand since then. Hell, it's cheaper to eat and drink at home anyway, and an excuse to invite friends over. I know your point isn't being able to smoke in public places, it's being told what you can and can't do period. I think if you are sitting outside you should be able to smoke outsite. Smokers are usually pretty respectful of non smokers and stay out of their face to begin with.

In Florida however it is usually too hot to do anything outside. Businesses down here have suffered the worst summer ever for resturaunts and bars, many friends have been laid off or forced to find a jobs where tips are more hospitable. Many say smokers were the best tippers. Now it's a field day for old people to go out with their tipping calculators and complaints about dumb shit. I think if they tried, a happy medium could be found, but for now the money I've saved on going out has made cigarettes fit into my buget easily

*hint of sarcasm* heheh

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