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Old 09-24-2003, 01:48 PM   #1
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Default Amber Frey's exclusive nude photo's don't miss this opportunity!!

Mailers, SE gurus and anyone with traffic don’t miss this opportunity to promote Pornkings exclusive Amber Frey’s nude Pics. Grab your banners in Pornkings.com today.

Check out the most controversial content since Dr Laura’s nude photos.
Our Press releases are going out now so the news is picking it up.
the type-in traffic for it already is crazy I didn't expect such a quik response in traffic.

Webmasters looking for exclusive content that will convert your traffic like crazy well Pornkings has done it again.

Amber Frey The woman who was having an affair with Laci Peterson's husband!

Amber says she did not know Scott Peterson was married and I bet she didn’t no these pictures would get out.

Because of the high profile Murder case Amber Frey is now on round-the-clock-security.. But it doesn’t keep us from showing you her up close and personal with her uncensored nude pics.

If you haven’t heard about this case you will very soon.

All our sites and programs feature Amber Frey for better conversions. this type of content converts traffic because people want to see Amber frey nude when they see her on the news etc.

example of Amber Frey featured on our sites

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