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Old 09-24-2003, 06:59 PM   #1
xxxjay should edit this
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Default SE Traffic - The Newest Fad

PR Brokers

I’ve found that lately, I’ve been spending more and more time doing link exchanges with other webmasters to generate SE traffic. A lot of people dismiss these of being of any value, but I disagree – *if they are done properly* - link trades can be very beneficial.

One of the big problems is that most requests for link trades start out something like this:

“You link my PR4 site from your PR4 sites…” – blah, blah, blah…just PR for PR straight back and forth – THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO DO IT! Problem is 95% of link exchanges are in this format.

Let me post this to try and shed some light on what is probably a better way to do these things:

1. Aiming my PR4 site at your PR4 site will have some benefit right now - as far as spidering goes. Trading is way better than aiming YOUR PR4 SITE site at YOUR PR4 SITE (crosslinking) – seeing as the links will at least be coming from different class c blocks. However, as time goes on, Google will become more sensitive to spotting patterns that are obvious attempts at PR manipulation.

2. And, as time goes on, the devaluing of irrelevant / off topic links will become more sensitive and the penalty more severe.

Most experienced adult webmasters have at least 5 domain up to ??? # domains – I personally have almost 100 domains now.

This is how I’d rather be doing these trades:

1. Relevant links only.

2. Stop nitpicking over PR so much, within reason. I mean, don’t give out 5 points of PR for none back – but if a trade goes one point or another in a direction – let it slide! Relevancy counts more, than jacking the little bar up – REALLY.

3. No more just aiming my site at your site – structure a trade more like this:

My relevant site A links your relevant site B > Your relevant Site B links My relevant site C then (if you are doing more)
Your relevant site C links my relevant site D > My relevant Site D links your relevant site E and so on and so on…
too mathematical that can be found and devalued by Google easily, but it’s way better than just linking A to A, B to B, C to C…you could hire a monkey could spot those patterns!

Also, if you are one of those dickheads that requests that I link every one of my sites to your TGP and you will link every one of my site from it (which is a STUPID IDEA ANYWAY) remember this – a TGP already has 100+ links out on the page already, meaning the value passed on to me will be very little.

It’s a simple equation:
Your PR / # of links on your page = the pr passed on to me.

Ok – I could write this post even fucking longer, but I won’t. I want to show what insipid this post. Not that I would ever recommend and one leave this board to look at GFY – here is a perfect example of what happens when you let a bunch on monkeys loose with a list of your sites:


Let me know what you think.
These are my sites:
http://www.snizzshare.com - OCCash
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