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Old 09-25-2003, 09:15 PM   #1
Amy Clixx
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Default How I lowered PPC pricing 50%, permanently

http://adult-site-traffic.com/ppc , our popular Pay Per Click program lowers pricing 50% permanently.

After much consideration and thoughts from people wishing to list our links, as well as feedback from current clients, we have decided to make this permanent change. This will also allow us to be more competitive with our larger competition, while still running your links in front of the surfer, not buried in a search engine database.

Client spot competition will still be 100% results based, as we only list the top 8 Straight links and the top 8 Gay links. Listing only the top 8 results based links will also ensure that only the best of programs are presented to our surfers. Please Look, Free Account... Free Demo !

As always, we continue to offer our newest program, Niche Clicks, TGP Traffic, Bulk High Speed , Mainstream, Gambling, Big Volume China Adult Traffic (from .70 cents per thousand) and others.

Please contact me if I can help.

Thank you.

Amy Clixx or
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