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Old 09-26-2003, 12:03 AM   #4
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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Hmmmm... interesting. http://sitefinder.verisign.com/lpc?u...gefukcfest.com

It seems that they didn't register 1 misspelling. BUT if you go to that page cold you see no results at all. You have to go down to the bottom of the page and click the "content filtering preferences" link. The default is "partial filtering" which is defined as: "Explicit content is removed from category results and presented last in search results". You have to select no filtering for adult content results to show up in the similar urls listing. Really not sure I like that but I guess they don't want to be accused of giving porn to kiddies, lol.

Also it seems, at least at the beginning, that the "adult content" filter isn't 100 percent effective seeing as how the results for "lannibarbei.com" DID show up with filtering turned on. Which is probably a good thing.
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