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Old 09-26-2003, 12:32 AM   #6
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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OK. I lied.

But this was just tooooo bizarre to let it go by:
"When we are threatened with suit or sued by a third party, we may seek written assurances from you concerning your promise to indemnify us; your failure to provide those assurances may be considered by us to be a material breach of these Terms of Use."

HUH? If somebody sues them and you don't give them an affidavit saying their good guys then you aren't allowed to misspell any more urls anymore? Is that really what they are saying there? I think it is.

And how the hell can they require me to do anything when they shouldn't even know who I am? I think I better read their privacy policy......
"Personal Information
We do not collect any personal information from visitors to our Site Finder. Under no circumstances do we collect any personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, or sex life."

Damn. That's a relief. I was afraid they would tell everyone I was a gay catholic teamster!
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