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Old 10-06-2003, 03:36 PM   #44
Seth should edit this
Join Date: Aug 2003
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Originally posted by Rochard
There is a fine line for women in this industry. You can work on the business side, or be content. It's difficult to be both. Once a woman is "branded" as content, I would imagine they are treated differently.
This is sad but true. Except it's not difficult to BE both, it's difficult to be accepted as both. But that's not the 'contents' problem, it's the problem of the webmasters that make it difficult... the problem of people that look down on women that are or have been in front of the camera. It's societies problem, and some peoples need to place themselves above others for whatever reason.

There are a lot of good and intelligent webmasters that have been or still are 'content'.
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